Written by Angelo Martins
Human moderated by Jason Peterson

Binance Regulation / Money Protection

This company does not appear to be regulated by any government authority at this time.

Binance User reviews

(2 )
Ranked 1 out of 649 (Cryptocurrency Exchanges)
This rating is based on 0 reviews by users that proved they are real customers of this company and 2 that did not. All reviews undergo significant human and technical moderation. Companies that get 30+ reviews by verified reviewers are scored only on their ratings by verified reviewers and get a green checkmark by their rating.

Binance Overall rating

Ranked 9 out of 649 (Cryptocurrency Exchanges)
Overall rating is derived from an aggregate of ratings in multiple categories.
Rating Weight
User Rating 3
Pricing rating
Customer Support

Binance Volume

$128.2 Billion Volume 24h
$35.7 Billion Volume 24h (Spot)
$104.1 Billion Volume 24h (Derivatives)

Binance Profile

Company Name Binance Investments Co Ltd
Categories Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Primary Category Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Year Founded 2017
Headquarters Cayman Islands
Office Locations Cayman Islands, Malta, United Kingdom
Fiat supported
Funding Methods Credit/Debit Card, POLi, Swift, Sepa, Simplex, Paxos, Mercuryo, Banxa, Crypto wallets
Maximum leverage 10 : 1
Financial Instruments Futures, Cryptocurrencies, Vanilla Options, ETFs, NFT's (Non-fungible tokens), Staking (cryptocurrencies)
Accepts Canadian clients
Accepts Japanese Clients
Accepts US Clients
Trading API
Negative balance protection
Social trading
Regulatory deposit insurance

Binance Fees

0.10% - Taker Fee
0.10% - Maker Fee

Visit link to see detailed info about Binance fees: Fees

Binance Fees Calculator

Pending orders .1% Maker fees --
Instant Orders .2% Taker fees --
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Binance Web traffic

Our web traffic data is sourced from SimilarWeb and sums the traffic data of all websites associated with a broker. Organic visits are visits the broker didn't pay for, based on the available data. This data updates once monthly and can be based on data purchased from internet service providers, traffic metrics sourced by a third party such as Google Analytics that the company chooses to share with SimilarWeb, etc.

Organic monthly visits 82,527,547 (100%)
Organic traffic rank 2 out of 649 (Cryptocurrency Exchanges)
Paid monthly visits 225,701 (0%)
Total monthly visits 82,753,248
Bounce rate 33%
Pages per visit 12.68
Average visit duration 00:08:39.3360000

Binance User reviews

(2 )
Ranked 1 out of 649 (Cryptocurrency Exchanges)
This rating is based on 0 reviews by users that proved they are real customers of this company and 2 that did not. All reviews undergo significant human and technical moderation. Companies that get 30+ reviews by verified reviewers are scored only on their ratings by verified reviewers and get a green checkmark by their rating.

Newer user ratings have greater impact than older ratings and user ratings have no impact after 5+ years old. The more reviews a company receives, the higher the maximum possible aggregate user rating. After 100 reviews a company can receive the highest rating, which is an average of their user ratings.

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We display the reviews we reject as spam or vote fraud. Not all rejected reviews are displayed, for example reviews advertising a website or service.

Binance Referral ID BQDIO9W5

Get a permanent lifetime discount of 20% off spot exchange fees and 10% off futures/margin trading fees on every transaction by using the following referral code or referral link.

Get 20% off Binance exchange fees for life

Referral ID: BQDIO9W5

Spot exchange fees cashback 20% cashback on every transaction + 25% BNB discount
Futures/margin fees cashback 10% cashback on every transaction
Payout Immediately after every transaction

What is the Binance Referral ID?

The Binance Referral ID, often referred to as a referral code, is an optional code that allows users to enjoy up to a 20% discount on trading fees when using Binance. In 2023, entering the referral ID BQDIO9W5 guarantees you the maximum discount. This unique code also unlocks an exclusive sign-up bonus once the user fulfills their tasks.

Upon entering this code, you'll see a message confirming your commission kickback rate of 20%. It's important to note that this 20% discount is a lifetime benefit, meaning it will never expire.

The Easiest Way to Sign Up with a Binance Referral ID

For beginners seeking simplicity, the easiest way to sign up with a Binance Referral ID is by clicking on a referral link provided by a friend or trusted website like this one. These referral links are preloaded with the code, eliminating the need for users to manually enter it during registration. This seamless process ensures that the discount is automatically applied to your account.

Binance Futures and Referral ID

Binance offers not only a spot market but also a futures market. The same Binance Referral ID BQDIO9W5 can be used for both markets in 2023, eliminating the need for separate accounts or codes.

What's New in 2023?

Previously known as the "Binance referral code," the platform has rebranded it as the "referral ID." However, the core concept remains unchanged. Users can still enjoy a maximum discount of 20% on all transaction fees.

Is There a Referral Code with a Higher Discount?

No, Binance's terms and conditions are clear – the maximum discount offered through a referral code is 20%. Despite claims of unreal discounts on various internet articles, the reality is that Binance allows affiliates to choose how much they share with their referrals, but it cannot exceed 20%. So, beware of dishonest individuals promising higher discounts.

About BUSD

Binance's standard stablecoin is BUSD, which is paired 1:1 with the US dollar. In 2023, if you transfer USDC or USDP to Binance using the Ethereum network, your tokens will be automatically converted to BUSD. While you can use BUSD for trading within Binance, when it's time to withdraw your funds as cryptocurrency, it's advisable to use USDP or USDC, which are more regulated and secure stablecoins.

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